Remote work is on the rise. The model that, before, was seen as adaptable only to a few cases, is now a common practice in several countries, and with a growth trend and worldwide reach. Recent events have served as a catalyst for the home office , but long before that, there was already a growing trend of remote work, as exemplified by the famous digital nomads, professionals who provide services digitally from anywhere in the world. Technological evolution was essential for facilitating this transition. Unlimited access to the internet, the massification of teleconferences through applications such as Skype, Zoom or Google Meet , cloud data storage, among others, allowed the possibility of providing services from points far from traditional offices, without compromising the final product´s quality or value. Today, companies are more willing to outsource the services of professionals who work remotely, regardless of where they live or work. Furthermore, the digital revolution offers exciting career development opportunities, even at an international level. That is why it is so important to know wich are the best jobs to work remotely.
However, as remote work is consolidated around the world, many people point out that not all sectors or professions have the same freedom and possibilities to work from home or from other points that are not the traditional place of work. Hospitality jobs are often cited as examples of roles that require physical presence. However, here are some indications of what may be the best professions to perform remotely. However, here are some indications of what may be the best professions to perform remotely.
7 best jobs to work remotely
Graphic designer
This one is one of the best jobs to work remotely and there is great demand. More and more companies are committed to working their image efficiently. In particular, emerging companies or outstanding companies with an active presence on social networks, which for infrastructure or budget reasons, resort to outsourcing this type of service. Knowing and mastering the different graphic editing techniques, to apply in images and illustrations for different media, offers interesting opportunities to develop professionally from home or elsewhere. The professional just needs to master the right tools and respect the necessary discipline for those who want to work remotely.
Social Network Manager
The need to position brands, promote products and services and retain or capture customers, has led companies to develop increasingly sophisticated social media and digital marketing presence strategies. The role of the social media manager has grown a lot in recent years and their management transcends publications and exchanges on social media, and assumes a more proactive and even commercial role. The increasing presence of consumers in the digital space makes these professionals important people in the development of brand recognition, and the most important thing is that all work is based entirely on the internet and does not require any physical presence.
A copywriter is someone who writes for the internet. They create informative content for companies, designed to guide consumers or potential customers in satisfying their needs, allowing, at the same time, to be in permanent contact with them and adequately inform the public about the companies’ actions , objectives and value proposition. These communication processes involve the development of content in various formats, including the writing of corporate texts, such as reports, press releases, content for social networks or articles for blogs. Copywriters can easily move from one brand or product to another and can work from anywhere, however , it is very necessary to know the local reality and the products or services they write about.
Customer service
Many companies selling products or providing services to a large audience, such as mobile phone operators, internet or television providers, supermarket chains, pharmacies, among others, hire workers to manage customer service needs. Many of these jobs can be done from home, via the phone or the internet. If a person has good communication skills, both oral and written, they can be perfect for a call job. virtual center , answering customer queries by phone or email, without the need to be present in a traditional office office and this type of work is usually fast, requiring only the knowledge of communication skills and aptitude for serving the public.
Multimedia designer
Multimedia designers are responsible for designing and creating computing products that combine text with sounds, images, graphics, video clips, virtual reality, digital animation and other forms of media. The growth that multimedia development is seeing through social networks, forums and blogs, among other channels, requires trained specialists in new design technologies. The ideal is to have the ability to analyze and manage the main design technologies for motion development graphics , including flash animation, among others. One of the perks of this type of work is that it can be done from anywhere in the world, either as a full-time remote worker or as a freelancer, and there are many opportunities and demand for this position.
Digital marketing
Virtuality and digitalization are the new trend in all areas of human activity, especially in business. The generation of new commercial opportunities involves efficient management of a company’s presence on the web and also the ability to position a brand in search engines. In this sense, it is important to have professionals capable of positioning websites, using and implementing marketing strategies that include the tools provided by Google Adwords and Google Adsense. This activity, in addition to being in great demand, is entirely digital-based and can be performed remotely.
The demand for technology programs and applications to respond to vast human needs is growing. Whether in the field of health, entertainment, business or social development, the search for professionals specialized in the creation of these solutions does not stop. Companies and organizations from different sectors urgently need this type of resources, and the provision of services in the form of home office is already accepted and assumed in this medium. Many talented programmers learn on their own with online tools and since the work is done on the computer, many programmers can work remotely.
As seen, the opportunities for remote work k are many, and there are several professions that can be performed from home, from the cafe, from a remote island or from any other place that does not mean a traditional office, however, and the professions indicated above include those that are most in demand and that are already established within the context of the Mozambican market. Another important point to remember is the need for remote workers to block any type of distractions and to create their own work discipline, so that they can maintain a professional attitude and deliver quality services or products.